The Highest Skyscraper will be Constructed in Saudi Arabia



Jeddah Tower will be- according to different estimates- 1000-1100 high and its weight wil be 900 thousand tons. It will be 200 meters higher than so far the tallest building of the world- Burdj Halifa. 26 floors has been constructed so far, foundations reach 60 meters below the ground in order to stabilise entire construction. The buiding was designed by American architect Adrian Smith, who had projected as well Burj Halifa.

Initially this building was supposed to be 500 meters higher, but geological examinations proved the soil in construction area didn’t allow it.

Planned cost according to Saudis- 5 bln dollars.

Entire city is called Kingdom City will be constructed around the tower in its centre, it will have residential and bussiness functions, its planned cost- 20 bln USA. This investment is aimed at economic and tourist development of the city of Jeddah, considered to be the most liberal town in Saudi Arabia. It has as well to demonstrate the financial wealth of the Saudis and accentuate their status of regional power. The cost of this investment raises the question of its sustainability and social costs.