Therefore, it is our pleasure to announce the third annual Konstancin’s Women’s
Forum will be held on 22 and 23 November of this year. The forum is organized by
the Foundation of Social Initiatives Strefa Działania (Action Zone). The Foundation’s president is Katarzyna Grewińska who has been awarded the title of Charismatic Woman.

Konstancin’s Women’s Forum is an event that unites and integrates women’s milieus, both local and those from Warsaw (and even further afield from other Polish cities). Participants
of the forum are a widely diverse group of women: from businesswomen and employees of various institutions and corporations, to freelancers and those who are seeking their own
path, as well as women who are bent on reinventing themselves, need stimuli to break the deadlock and start enacting their new direction. We try to arrange a program of speeches
in such a way that it is thought-provoking, inspiring and motivating – organizer Katarzyna Grewińska says.

Konstancin’s Women’s Forum is a two-day event filled with inspirational lectures and fascinating workshops. One hall is full of exhibitors where everyone can find something intriguing for themselves. Women are welcomed to exchange business cards, while making stimulating personal and business contacts.

Speakers of the forum are always outstanding personalities. In the past, we have enjoyed such wonderful presenters as Wojciech Eichelberger, Szymon Hołownia, Urszula Dudziak,
Łukasz Krasoń, Aleksandra Kostka, Renata Cerruti, Iwona Sosnowska-Wieczorek and Maciej Bennewicz.

This year’s installment of the forum will feature: Wojciech Eichelberger, Dorota Wellman, Dorota Stalińska, Małgorzata Ohme, Prof. Magdalena Fikus, Zofia Schach-Petersen, and
Prof. Arek Karwacki.

Our generous patrons are: Why Story Publishing House, Zwierciadło, Sens, Onet.pl, and Radio Kolor.

We invite all ladies from every walk of life to take part in the 3rd Annual Konstancin’s Women’s Forum.

Date: 22-23 November 2018, Place: KDK willa Hugonówka, ul. Mostowa 15, Konstancin-Jeziorna

For more information, please visit: www.strefadzialania.org.pl