Marzanna Peukert, the vice-president of the innovative company Conbelts S.A.
with its headquarter in Bytom and the founder of the acknowledged Accounting
Office „Profit” in Jaworzno, she is a woman of many talents. She has received the
award of Leader by vocation in the categories of Leader in Business and Leader in Social Life for particular achievements in company and human resources management, and also for a widely performed charity activity. In her free time she writes poems and short stories.


– I didn’t become the leader immediately – admits Marzanna Puekert, vice-president of Conbelts S.A. – For a long time I was watching, learning from others, I followed my superiors’ instructions and I obtained new qualifications. Her mother, Stefania Stręgiel (the laureate of the programme LADY 2018), taught her daughter to be hard-working, responsible and to face difficulties and challenges.

Marzanna Puekert decided to start her professional career right after graduating from the high school of economics. She got her first job at a railway transport company. For over a year she commuted to work by train, changing trains on the way, to start work at 04:00, and at the same time she studied for exams to become a traffic oficer. Next, she worked for a chemical company, where she was responsible for financial reports for the company. Her next job was in a mining industry, where she obtained experience in debt collection, finances and accounting. The superiors quickly noticed her potential in accounting and finances, so she was promoted rapidly. The first professional challenge for her was a job proposal away from her place of living – in Tychy, at the position of the deputy chief accountant, and then as the chief accountant. She also took up studies at the University of Economy in Cracow. In the next company, she became the director of the accounting department. After having obtained rich professional experience, she decided to open her own company, and after years she was offered a position of vice-president of Conbelts S.A. in chemical industry.

The accounting office „Profit” established by Marzanna Puekert has been open in Jaworzno for 20 years. It has a strong market position, it provides consulting services to companies in terms of book-keeping and Accounting, and taxes. Its tasks also include book-keeping for big and small companies, developing policies of accounting, handling of payroll and HR
issues, preparing of unitary and consolidated financial reports. Marzena offers to her employees a participation in numerous trainings about regulations and legal acts that change very often, which enables them to raise their qualifications that are necessary in case of providing the services of book-keeping and accounting.

As the vice-president of Conbelts company, she manages many areas, including production, research and development, production and finances staff … Her duties include participation in several economic missions, eg. to Brasil, Columbia, China or Mongolia. She meets representatives of their governments and business leaders, creating that way the new channels of co-operation for the company she manages. Although, she had no time to go sightseeing, she kept wonderful impressions in her memory.

In Columbia, she travelled with the military escort because she was in the region where were guerrillas, and in Mongolia she was surprised by the traditional yurts standing nearby the uninhabited, brick-made houses, which the owners treat only as investment.

A wide scope of management responsibility made Marzanna Peukert take up postgraduate studies in Production Management at WSB University. It helped her to put the methodology
in order and solve production problems. She admits that she has learned how to spot problems in particular departments, to match them and find their common reasons and
solutions for them. – My associates are usually men, experts who specialize in production of India rubber and rubber items, such as belts for conveyors used in mining, sand mining, lime mining and many other in building industry, cable production, tyres production, as well as rubber cords dedicated to automotive branch for production of, e.g. tyres or soundproof
materials in cars – says Marzanna. They willingly answer questions of their boss, claiming that her way of analysing problems seems rational and effective to them.

You can be just a manager, give orders, it the easiest way. But being the leader who supports the team, who gives advice and knows what he or she talks about, is much harder, but it brings a great satisfaction to me – says the entrepreneurial woman. – When fullfilling the managerial jobs, you have to be aware of the responsibility for you and others. Workers rely on you and you can’t disappoint them.


– My mother taught me to love people – Marzanna stresses. This resulted in a widely performed charity activity. She acts for the Foundation of Silesian Angels, which supports small children and adolescents with disabilities. Its members take care of children living in Katowice area, some of them live their parents, others live at the boarding house. The members of the Foundation organize for them equipment, devices, and sometimes even a financial support (to cover the costs of summer holidays). It was for them that together with her mum (80 years old), she took part in a nordic-walking race, and before that, despite many duties, she found time to take part in rehersals and act in a theatre play.

She admits she likes helping people, it gives her the feeling of becoming a better person – People’s problems that we try to solve in the foundation teach me humbleness and make
me realize how important it is to appreciate what life brings – notices Marzanna.

As she has great organizational skills, she finds time for herself. All weekends she tries to spend with her family, which gives her great strength and motivation to overcome new challenges. She is a mother to two daughters and she reveals that she also has a granddaughter who she adores for her wit and amazing punchline comments. Before going to sleep, she often tells her stories that she makes up for her. She also writes poems, but in only free time, quite rarely.

Two or three times a week she studies English language with an unordinary method of having a conversation while playing cards. She keeps setting new goals to her and she crosses the barriers that limit her. Therefore, during her last holiday she decided to do a parachute jump and she jumped from the height of over five kilometers, and she finally overcame the fear of heights.