He was an actor in half proessional teatr, bass player in rock bands: Ahimsa and Houk, communication technican, but in the end he turned out to be a humianist with many Diplomas. As of now, Associate Professor Mirosław Grewiński Ph. D is the vice-rector of Janusz Korczak Pedagogica University in Warsaw and the chairman of many organizations, including Polish Association of Social Policy (PTPS) and Society of Universal Knowledge (TWP). Besides that, he is also author
or co-author of 300 scientific or popular-scientific publications, including 40 books about social policy. Prof. Mirosław Grewiński, for his achievements in education and professional fields was awarded with the title Leader by vocation in three categories: Leader in education, Leader in education management and Social Leader.


When he was a teenager, there weren’t many signs that prof. Mirosław Grewiński will take the scientific path. He played bass in two rock bands, and one of them, created by his older
brother – Tomasz Grewiński (currently co-owner of Kayax), was awarded by prestige Polish music award „Fryderyk”.

– After elementary school I made a choice to go to Railway Technical School for telecommunications kinda by accident. I quickly realized I’m more of humanist than a person with technical interests – I have had the best grades from humanities: Polish language, history also foreign languages – recalls prof. Grewiński – Since the beggining I engaged myself in the half professional theatre in my school, which was leaded by charismatic Ryszard Jakubsiak, who was later Artistic Director of Studio Theater and Powszechny Theater. He used those experiences later whilst being a musician and lecturer. His adventure with music and theater lasted for ten years. With Ahimsa and Houk bands he recorded few albums and played several hundred concerts in fifteen different countries. After that he started studies.

During choosing his own path in education professor Mirosław Grewiński studied at The Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, then social policy at Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of University of Warsaw (formerly called the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science). While being on his fourth year of studies he went on a scholarship to Germany to University of Konstanz, and then to Dresden.


– During my scholarship I collected materials for my doctorate. After coming back do Poland I worked for my dissertation for two years. At that time I already had interest in political and social topics – he says. His master degree paper was about the EU structural funds, then he continues this subject in his doctorate titled: European Social Fund as structural support instrument for social policy of European Union on the example of Germany. His habilitation was about multi-sectoral social policy of welfare states. He created in his paper a model of multi-sectorial social policy which is called „Daisy of welfare”. Afromentioned „Daisy of welfare” is on the book cover „Multi-sectoral social policy. The transformations of the welfare state ” published in 2009 by Mirosław Grewiński. After that he engaged in different scientific projects, for example analysis of disabled people problem and thoughts on how to improve their social situation. He wrote about
those subjects in co-written book: „Social services for disabled people – international experiences” published by Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw in 2014 year.

In Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw Mirosław Grewiński teach classes since 1999 year. His lectures are focused on social policy divided into sectors: EU, social,
local government, mutli-sectoral, job market, social welfare system, management of social services. He also lectures about leadership in social activity. Apart from his lectures as a vice-rector his is also responsible for EU projects: currently the school realizes 10 national projects and 5 international interuniversity projects. Moreover, as a vice-rector he also organizes and supervises the teaching process.

– This year we celebrate 25th anniversary of Korczak University, which was founded years ago by professor Julian Auleytner and it is also a good year for us because of the increase in the number of candidates. In some departments there are even twice as many candidates then in the previous years, for example for education in Warsaw or social work in Katowice. Four years ago we created at the Korczak University Warsaw Korczak’s Dream School (elementary school) which is developing great so we decided to open similar one in Olsztyn. Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University is distinguished among others because beside the traditional form of teaching we also use method and techniques of distance education. The so called e-learning includes lectures, exercises and exams. Our rector liked this system, which was firstly used in Australia. On the e-learning platform every students presence, log in, time duration of stay logged in and also completed tasks are noted.
Korczak University received 9 mln PLN for the application from EU Funds. Part of lectures, especially for postgraduate, are in english language. In this University also work well the exchange of students within Erasmus Program. Many students from abroad, Spain or Turkey for example, study there.


– I wish to finish my book next year, in which i’m writing about social services in social policy. It is kinda different way to understand social policy, not only as a social security system but also as an investment and development policy.

Vice-rector’s plans are related to the development of Korczak University – the school wants to link University with external entities giving the possibility of dual studies in cooperation with business. University also wants to create a platform for intersectoral cooperation – from union with the social and economic environment to internationalization. These steps
are essential for creating University 3.0