Holidays in September


Welcome back to school

For many children and their parents, the beginnig of September also means the start of a new school year. However, the ninth month of the year is also full of holidays and anniversaries around the world.

Let’s begin with one of the most significant dates in the whole year- the outbreak of The Second World War. On the 1st of September 1939 the cruelest and deadliest conflict in the world history had its start. It spread around Europe, part of Asia and North Africa. Some epizodes, like battles, also took place ovet the oceans. It is estimated that 72 million people lost their lifes. On that day, people around the world commemorate victims of this conflict, trying to make us aware of factors which led to that war. We mustn’t repeat the mistakes of the past. In Poland, the main celebrations this year started at 4.45 in Westerplatte. The most important people in the country, the president Andrzej Duda and the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, took part in the celebrations.

On the 8th of September (second Tuesday of the month) we have the International Day of Literature and fight against Illiteracy. It is a very important day for all literature fans and it is also a great opportunity to emphasize the issue of illiteracy. The ability of reading and writing seems obvious, however it can be surprising, how many people in even best-developed countries cannot do that. What should we blame? The fact that we hardly ever create compositions longer than posts on Social Networking Sites or Short Messages?
On that day, schools, universities and other institutions encourage children and adults to read by organizing numerous quizzes, competitions and events.

And now let’s find some time for our body. On the following thay we have the International Day of Beauty. It is the tribute to the charm which lies within every single person. On that day it is highly recommended to do something for oneself 😉 How about going to the SPA or have some relaxing time in a cafe? A lot of companies and beauty salons offer tutorials and workshops conneted with taking care of our appearance and soul.

In September there are days when we are reminded ideas important and interesting in our every-day-life. Probably tha majority of us is not aware that on the second Saturday we celebtrate the World’s Day of the First Aid. We never know when we need to save somebody’s life in the street. That’s why we should know how to behave in such situations. Children and adults are presented procedures of giivng the first aid during courses, presentations and meetings.
For technology fans we have the Programmer day on th 13th of September (in Russia) and for the nature lovers-the Geologist day on the 18th 😉

Some of countries around the world have their national holidays. On the 15th of September the Independence Day of Mexico starts. The celebrationf finifh the following day. Many colourful parades, fireworks displays, bull fights, rodeo shows are organized every year. All in the sounst of ethnical music and smell of local food. 21st of the month is a holiday for Malta which has been Independent since 1964 and on the 23rd people in Saudi Arabia celebrate their holiday.

Finally, at the end of the month we have the Boys’ Day 🙂 This day we can think about important men in our life. Let’s say something nice to our husbands, partners, fathers, brothers, friends and collegues 😉 Let them know that life is much funnier ans more sensible with them!

And do you know any interesting holiday with original traditions?
We are looking forward to your emails!