Szczekociny – the hospitable Commune to its residents and tourists


Szczekociny is located by the river Pilica (śląskie voivodeship). Because of monuments, beautiful nature and activity of the local government acting for the benefit of local premises, it became a very recreational Commune. The mayor of Szczekociny Krzysztof Dobrzyniewicz is nominated to the title of Leader by vocation for his multi-annual and full of passion works for the benefit of the local government and also for his effective management.

The Commune – its assets and achievements

– On the one hand Szczekociny is a local socio-economic centre with its six hundred years legacy, on the other, it’s a premise with unique touristic assets. We owe this to woody areas, full of fauna and flora, beautiful ponds and lakes. The closeness to Górny Śląsk and convenient access, became the main attraction to people who look up for recreation on weekends. The enchanting landscape contributes to a rise of summer spots – the mayor Krzysztof Dobrzyniewicz admits. Nowadays the River rafting on the Pilica that meanders through grasslands, woods, sands and swamps of Jura Krakowsko – Częstochowska  are very popular. Residents and tourists can ride on bicycles, enjoying the surrounded nature, on the 19km long special route located on the North – West side of Szczekociny.

The testament of abundant history of Szczekociny Commune are its monuments and very interesting buildings. Places with over one hundred years legacy are worth visiting no matter the season – the most precious place, without a doubt, is the Palace Complex of baroque and classic period from the ‘70s of XVIII century.

Szczekociny is a multicultural city penetrated by three cultures : Polish, Jewish and Romani.  To honour remembering of Jewish who was born in Szczekociny the local government rose the monument. The festival of Jewish culture, that becomes more and more popular each year, has been organised for 10 years. In the near future our Commune is planning a common  festival for all three mentioned above cultures which imprinted themselves on our soil – said Krzysztof Dobrzyniewicz.

The achievements of the current mayor are: building the water and sewer system, roads infrastructure together with rising recreational buildings. –  The biggest and the most important investment I was able to accomplish was rebuilding the city market in Szczekociny, where modern and fulfilling expectations of residents,  facility was built –  the mayor sums up.

Plans and challenges

There is a plan to build a water reservoir with the surface of 5 ha together with systematic technical improvement of public roads. The mayor dream is to build professional sport centre that is consisted of stadium, athletic track and tennis courts. The main priority is to restore the train station for which the local government has been fighting since the train catastrophe in 2012.  –  As Szczekociny is located on the line between two voivodeships, and having in mind needs of the residents, the train station is crucial for city development and life improvement for its residents. By restoring the train station, the youth will stay in our Commune.  I truly hope that someone will finally understands it – the mayor explains. It can be assumed that this is his life challenge per se.

Katarzyna Daniel
Beata Sekuła