Modernity and custom of the district of Warsaw Praga-Południe


Tomasz Kucharski has been holding, with great involvement, position of the mayor of the district of Warsaw Praga-Południe for 12 years. He is approachable and reacts to residents needs in a very constructive way. For his achievements towards the neighbourhood and also for caring for its traditions, he has been nominated to the title of Leader by vocation.


On the way to the mayor position

Tomasz Kucharski  after graduation from the University of Physical Education became a specialist of kinaesthetic rehabilitation. As the active contender and later weightlifting couch, he learnt how to strive for victory, and also how to tackle difficulties. He obtained more proficiency while studying on Warsaw University and Academy of Leon Koźmiński.

Moreover, he performed lots of social and local government functions. In the 90’ he was the chairman of Citizen’s Committee “Solidarność” in Józefów, then he became the Board Member of Citizen’s Committee “Solidarność” in Praga-Południe. He also co-founded the Society of Childrens’ Friends in Rembertów. Between 1995-1999 he became the mandatary of Mayor for unemployment and then the Director of Health and Social Department in Warszawa-Rembertów. Till 2006 he performed function of the vice-director of the Social Welfare Centre in Warszawa-Rembertów. In 2006, for the very first time, he was elected for the Mayor of Praga – Południe.


The lively district

– I face challenges almost every day. If someone thinks I work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m then is very wrong. I am not and never I will be such mayor – notices Tomasz Kucharski. Praga-Południe has changed dramatically during the past few years, namely from the improvements of sewers, road surfaces, renewal of buildings, to start of constructions works of the concert hall of Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra at Grochowska St. 272. However, as the mayor notices, small successes does not obscure the magnitude of needs and tons of work that has to be done.

We really want to underline as much of tradition of Praga-Południe as its modern look – says the mayor. To uphold the tradition so distinctive for this district, craftsman works, poetry regale, literature workshops like Turniej Jednego Wiersza im. Miśka z Męcińskiej, French song contest, contest of  Jonasz Koft or song contest of Agnieszka Osiecka  are taken under superb care. The Saska Kepa Festival is a part of Polish nationwide celebration that takes place in May every year. There are also small local celebration, for example celebration of 40 years of the Ostrobramska neighbourhood.

The authority also remembers of and memorialise heroes who died in wars, like Polish grenadiers from Lagrade or about victims of terrorist attack on WTC as of 11 September 2001.

The 10th anniversary of the University of the Third Age was celebrated with regards to its achievements and successes couple of months ago.

The bureau organises educational events at schools and preschools, relief effort for those in need or proclaim health sharing views on how to prevent cancer etc.

Being a mayor of Praga-Południe is a honour. I am delighted for trust that has been posed on me. I am fulfilled because my hard work pays off every day – says Tomasz Kucharski – I am happy I can change the image of Praga-Południe. This district has a lot to offer and it will offer more in the nearest future.