ENTERSO = Innovation and social activity


ENTERSO Sp. z o.o. with head office in Szczecin is the leading company on the Internet marketing market in Poland and it is becoming more and more popular abroad. It has been awarded many times for innovative technological solutions thanks to the commitment of a creative team, and its founder – Wojciech Kłodziński. He has been awarded the title of “True leader” among others for his achievements and social activity.

  • I feel great satisfaction that I have managed to keep the company on the market for ten years, considering that only five percent of business organizations manage to survivestresses the young man, though already experienced businessman Wojciech Kłodziński.

  • I feel also satisfied because I managed to run a company, graduate my studies, travel and have a private hobby

The beginnings

  • My adventure with IT started when I was 13 years old when I programmed the first game – Wojciech Kłodziński, the owner of company ENTERSO (http://www.enterso.com/), starts telling his story.

In 2004 – 2005 created large application for automatic investment in fixed contracts FW20 on stock exchange. He worked on this together with a stockbroker. The system analyzed trends in real time because it operated on seconds data. Next a portal was created to present the application results, which were supposed to support interested people in their activities on stock exchange. He decided to promote the online service by positioning it in Google search results. When it turned out that the positioning required numerous repetitive activities, he designed an application – SEO Adder, which helped to automatize all activities. This was the first program in Poland for automatic positioning of website in Google search results. Initially, it was supposed to be used for his own needs, but it turned out his friends were also interested in this solution and many other customers. At the age of 20 he had to open a company because the program already sold well then.

 Reconciling work with education

After finishing high school, he chose to study not IT, but automatics and robotics at the faculty of electrical engineering because he already knew a lot about programming. When he was 16-17 he helped his much older colleagues to write master’s thesis in that scope, so he didn’t want to waste time on issues which he already knew very well. He made a lot of different prototypes, for example bands for communication between the human nervous system and a computer. When his girlfriend was typing something on computer, and he was turned back, he used Morse code to transmit impulses to the nervous system and he said what she had typed. – There are really a lot ofpossibilities of development. We still have many other ideas, for example, a brake light for stopping a car could show the progress, if we pressed the brake hard, we could see 5 red bars going down and the we would know we must react quickly and so the driver’s decision would be much faster. This could reduce the number of accidents. I have lots of ideas, but unfortunately the man is only one and he has to generate some earnings as well. There will come the right time for ideas and prototypes – he points out.

He ran the company during his studies. He tried to manage the employees via his mobile phone, and also via the view into their computers and working reports system.

He often used the notes of his colleagues when preparing for exams or while working on term projects. – I had a funny situation once when I went to ask for a signature in my index book, I couldn’t remember what the lecturer looked like, I just knew his name – he tells laughing. When I entered the office I found there two men, but unfortunately I approached the wrong one, and he stated that I rarely went to classes … Fortunately, being a student and a young entrepreneur at the same time, he got a pass with a very good note because his works were assessed highly, but he had to explain also that he ran a company and therefore he worked from home. The professor appreciated the program SEO Addera in his own company. Wojciech wrote his master’s thesis in one day, because it was about his daily work.

Entrepreneurship development

He co-operated all the time with various great partners, among others Jerzy Szkwarek, the CEO of KOMFORT and VOBIS. Wojciech got involved in many different activities at the same time, including the marketing agencies and in developing franchise network for them. – Within one and a half year, we managed to open 30 divisions – he informs. – I admit though the network did notwork as we expected. Our customers didn’t participate in the process of developing that undertaking, so the agencies lacked competence. The training we ran, didn’tsolve the problem, so usually we opened new offices and we closed some others. The agencies were taken over by one of Wojciech’s partners and they have been run successfully. Wojciech thought he couldn’t work so many hours a day. He decided to focus on developing the company ENTERSO and on improving the program for websites positioning, which brings profits to the company as many licenses have been sold, and the customers get tangible benefits from using it.

In 2015 the system Promopager was created (www.promopager.com), which sends the persons interested in websites positioning to experienced experts across Poland. ENTERSO has signed contracts under which the company supervises the works progress, level of the services provided and customers satisfaction. However, the algorithm for Google has changed and the program SEO Adder is not sufficient anymore. Now a lot of manual activities need to be done: website modification, optimization, contents building, publications of various kinds of articles with links to website. If you sum them up, you will come to 150 activities and they are done by ENTERSO partner agencies.

The company operates the same way on foreign markets, e.g.: in Tunisia, Germany, Great Britain or Norway. It creates a network of customers within which persons who recommend this service receive a commission. Several thousand of such contracts, and their performance is supervised by a professional team of young, but highly committed people for whom IT and looking for technological solutions is a real passion. The number of permanent employees is between eight and twelve. It is possible to work with a few thousand companies only thanks to full automation via systems used internally in Enterso and by employing only 10 people. Additionally, ten other people co-operate closely with the company: graphic designers, administrators, positioning specialists, who make a good team, although they often work remotely.

In terms of finances management, relations management with customers, the CEO gets support from Bartosz Ceglarek, in his twenties, who says: If I didn’t like this job, I would it is hard, but it is an important part of my life and I care about being part of that team in which I develop my skills in a flash.

High quality innovative products

Thanks to its professional approach, ENTERSO delivers services not only to small or medium size companies, but also to such recognized brands as: Empik or Onet. It is also proud of holding the Google Partner certificate. After ISO has been implemented, a lot of useful procedures have been introduced, which are used at every stage of activities. Besides, the company is often awarded for innovative products and services.

  • We don’t treat our work as craft production because we don’t want to be a factory producing websites. We try to create start-ups of various kind and every year, so new projects – the CEO admits. SEO Adder has been granted the highest number of awards, because it was the first program in Poland for automatic positioning of websites in Google. It has been used by 7000 companies.

Then, the program AdMailer was created to send email campaigns. It searches for email addresses on the Internet using a specific phrase. After typing in the words, for example, “pharmacy – Warsaw”, the program enters every website in Google search results and extracts email addresses. Next, a message template is created and within a few minutes emails are sent to all pharmacies. Another program AdSMSer.pl is used for searching phone numbers and SMS campaigns. OSK Office was also designed to manage information about car driving schools.

The company is able to service a growing number of customers thanks to full automation of the system for company management, i.e.: for its customers, products, updating of data on them, invoices issuing and sending, printing of receipts on cash register, etc.

Social activity


  • I was thinking a lot about how to help effectively the children in need because I think a man gets great satisfaction from that – he says. – I spent ten years on finances management in my company, so I wanted to do also social projects where no money is given – just the necessary products in exchange for a child’s smile. Wojciech thinks that giving money to people is not good at all because this way they lose their self-reliant skills. He says it is better to give a fishing rod instead of fish.

Two years ago Wojciech Kłodziński created a short animation in English explaining the idea of designing the portal www.HowAid.com. It was about sending packages to poor children. The idea was to choose a profile of a specific girl or boy. There you could find a story of his or her life, for example, that he or she is an orphan, wants to learn English, or has no shoes to go to school. After entering the child’s profile you could select for example “Buy him/her shoes for 19$”. After making the money transfer online, a package would be send to the particular organization. A few institutions have already become interested in this project, mostly in Uganda and Gambia. A volunteer would travel to the African village and hand in the gift to the child and would record the child saying, for example, “Thank you Darek for shoes”. After two weeks you would get a short movie with the child saying thanks. First such videos have been made already. ENTERSO received financial support from Google to promote this project. The whole portal is being just created, but some first actions have been done by Wojciech and his friends.

Moreover, the company supports one of children’s houses by giving them computers, or by running IT trainings for children from the Center for Child’s Care in Szczecin. There are several of them, and their average age is fourteen. Wojciech runs trainings personally with the adolescents on websites and software design. The teenagers can create a website with personal details, a form to fill in, or a Google map. – I hope that the skills they learnt will help them in everyday life, and even in some cases this will encourage them to become graphic designers or IT experts, and at the age of eighteen, for example, they will be more advanced than high school students who choose to study IT. And besides they will be more self-reliant and independent – Wojciech says enthusiastically. More information can found on: www.wspieramdzieci.pl


ENTERSO plans to compress the number of customers by working with them only in developing the online shops network, websites positioning, improving e-commerce to increase the number of sales transactions. The company will still concentrate on its development. In particular – on expanding the online marketing – that means on finding new customers through positioning, Google AdWords, mailing, Facebook, Content Marketing, etc. It also intends to keep the leader’s position in its business line.

Moreover, ENTERSO receives better and better offers for co-operation from people with high initial capital, so the owner is going to use it. As there is a shortage of about 75 thousand IT experts in Poland, Wojciech is thinking about setting up a school for software designers. He also started to write a book about online shops development.

As for How Aid charity, it is planned to be developed mostly in the USA, Great Britain and Australia because of a large number of citizens who are willing to get involved in charity actions. – The biggest problem is that Polish social organizations have 90% of management costs of what they do, and only the remaining amount is for strategic purposes – Wojciech points out. – In our project the priority is to cover the foundation costs by group shopping, thanks to which we get a discount that will cover the expenditures related to our service management. It is assumed that about 5000 packages will be sent monthly to the children in need.


Author: Beata Sekuła

Translation: Anna Różalska