We don’t have to – we can

What we want depends on us, and us only. Our choice of co-workers too. It also means that we are the only ones to blame and the only ones to reward – says Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska

We talked with Paulina Smaszcz-Kurzajewska – mentor, coach, communication and public relations expert with over 25 years of experience, university teacher, and in private life a mom of two sons, who has just been singled out with a title of Charismatic Woman. Program laureate shared her thoughts on making wise life choices, people we surround ourselves with, and opportunities for personal growth.

Is one born a charismatic woman, or is this someone one can become?
Well, during my lectures and workshops, I show techniques that help to increase the level of self-awareness. I can help the attendants start thinking about themselves in a positive way and give them proper tools. I can’t teach them charisma, though – it is something one needs to be born with.

People of success usually burst with energy. Can you agree?
Yes, but they need to take from somewhere the energy they share. That relates, especially, to women personas. Hundreds of women who come to my coaching courses have an enormous need of giving. Is this because that’s how nature shaped us? Usually, a woman does not take. She cannot show what she really needs to her family, friends, partner, and community. She is afraid that expressing her needs would harm others.

What to do in order not to harm our dear ones who got used to constant receiving from us then? Especially when we don’t want to postpone fulfilling her needs.
I think that with time, and I am a woman in a half-way of my journey, my approach to some things changes. I have run a school and been an academic teacher for 19 years. I understood that it is us who need to know what we want. Only then we will be able to communicate it with no aggression and set the lines consciously and strongly…

We invite you to read the full version of the article, in the secure digital edition of WHY Story Magazine at a bargain price at: https://sklep.whystory.pl/