With love to animals


A story od divine coincidences


32 years ago Mrs Beata Tuszyńska started work at a vet health centre in Zabrze.
It should have taken only six weeks. She couldn’t predict that it was going to be her work place for the following years. She also couldn’t expect that a serious accident would be a beginning of a beautiful mission of integrating people and spreading passion and love to animals in Zabrze and other cities.


Truth, passion, determination
100E8855It all started in the 4th class of primary school when Mrs Beata visited her family in a village. She had a great opportunity to help during the birth of little pigs. -When I was cleaning the little animals I decided that I will be a vet in the future and that I want to help animals– she recalls. It was a moment when two things were born in her heart- a great love to animals and a feeling of huge responsibility for the surrounding nature. After years of education and determination she finally got a degree at the Uniwersity in Wrocław in 1984 and started her dream job.

Within years Mrs Beata helped and saved lives of hundreds of creatures, from dogs and cats to Guinea Pigs and parrots. Each case was exceptional because it was connected with an animal being a part of somebody’s family. There have been many situations which were special. Let’s mention a little Japanese mouse with a swollen leg. As it turned out a nylon thread was wrapped around it. After it had been removed, the animal recovered. She also mentions a case of a cow in Pawłów (a district of Zabrze). Somebody reported, that there was something wrong with the cow. When Mrs Beata arrived she found out, that the animal was being giving birth to twins, which is unusual.
She also recalls a story of a dog, French Shepperd, who arrived at the vet’s offic ewith a huge tumor udned its arm. A lot of vet’s had said thet there was nothing they could do. However, due to an appropriate diagnosis and treatment, the animal recovered. – Every time I see my patiens regaining health it makes me very happy.-says Mrs Beata. –But there are moments, when we cannot help. Then we have anesthetize the animal. It is always a very sad and painful moment. But the love to animals gives strenght. What’s more, it can be forwarded. It is also hereditary. Justyna, Mrs Beata’s daughter is currently studying Veterinary at the University in Wrocław and she is sometimes a volunteer in Zabrze.

A story of coincidences
Suddenly the daily routine and work were distracted by a serious accident. While Mrs Beata was mowning the lawn, she got electric shock. It was a moment when time stopped. However, due to prayers and the deepest faith in God and strenght she was able to recover. This dramatic moment was the beginning of an incredible mission of helping and integrating people, both healthy and disabled, with animals.
A number of chats and educational meetings started in various kindergartens and schools. One day, an invitation from the kindergarten in Pyskowice arrived. – I remember, I was going to work and praying, that everything woulb be all right. When I came into my office I noticed Mr Grzegorz Żołdak with his dog Czaruś. I asked him to come with me and to show children several tricks. They did not expect that it would be the start of their common adventure of giving everybody happiness and relief.

Czarek, a dog which brings hope
The day when I decided to go to the vet’s office and ask for the interview, I also met Mr Grzegorz. He is 93 years old and his biggest passion is dog taming. Czaruś is his 5th dog. It is 100 8846a Collie crossbreed with a pretty black and white fur. It is six now. The animal is extraordinary! It gives a paw, fetches a stick, adds and throws rubbish to the bin! He distinguishes his teddy bears and helps its owner in everyday situations- Czaruś brungs Mr Grzegorz his stick or slippers. And children love him! It is an absolutely safe dog. It loves being hugged and stroked what people willingly do every time they see the amazing duo nearby.

Dreams and hope
The magical crew have already given a lot of shows. While Mrs Beata is speaking about her work, Mr Grzegorz presents his dog’s talents. Together they have visited a lot of schools and kindergartens. But it were shows for ill and disabled people which became the biggest dream of a trio. One of their most emotional experiences was a visit at the Hoscpice of God’s Mercy in Gliwice. Those visits make people smile and bring them relief. People become more lively and forget about the surrounding reality for a while. The biggest dream of Mrs Beata is to enter hospitals and spread the idea od dogotherapy. However it is not the only aim.
The other action for local community is organising cultural events. The next edition of a competition entitled ” We, our animals and Christmas” will take place soon. This year also the 5th edition of an action ” I save dog’s life” took place. During this event 20 dogs were donours of blood for other animals in need.. The vet health centre Reksio cooperates with the Blood Bank Milusia in Warsaw.

We are all part of the nature.
Mrs Beata says, that people dream about having perfect dogs or cats. We expect our adoptive creature to be well-behaved, caring and cheerful. But is a human ready to be an animals’ friend? Can we take responsibility for it? We get lost in our expectations and very often we forget about the most obvious thing-animals are nit things! It gives us unconditioned love and that’s why it deserves respect. –We have to respect nature because we are all part of it.– Says Mrs Beata to summarise our conversation.

                                                                                   Alicja Szwanc

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