“What you hear on the Thames?”


Welcome again to our series: “What you hear on the Thames?”

Today you will read about what new and interesting happened in London in September.

I promised to write to you about the school year start at the PMS – Polish Educational Society, one must also mention a visit of the Presidential Couple in the UK.

As I have already mentioned, London is a city of tradition, a great history, where Polish immigrants have played a big and important role. Our compatriots/fellow countrymen have also contributed much to its cultural heritage,

    An important part of that heritage is the Polish Educational Society, the nature of the action

I would like you to zoom in.

The Polish Educational Society has existed for over 60 years, it is a charity supporting the Polish education in the UK. The main element of its activities is to support the functioning of Polish Saturday schools, which I have visited during my stay on the Isles

The purpose of this organization is to support initiatives of setting up and running of supplementary schools of native subjects: advice in the process of establishing such schools, a substantial help in the management of institutions and measures to improve the qualifications of teachers.

The PMS also runs an Examination Center which gives the opportunity to take tests at GCSE and A-Level in Polish language

I hope very much that I can open such a Polish school soon – this is one of my dreams.

To see how the enormous potential of Poles learn, acquire and transmit his knowledge about Poland for generations, just click the following link showing a map with all institutions throughout the British Isles.

[email protected]: //www.polskamacierz.org/dla-rodzicow/znajdz-szkole-w-


When writing about the Polish Society, I would like to refer to the September visit of President Andrew Duda and his wife -Agata on the Isles. The political aspects of the visit have already been described by all media, and they have been concerned with the meeting between the Prime Minister Cameron and the Poles on the anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

I will try to describe the visit of the First Lady- Agata Kornhausen-Duda at the Polish Educational Society.

The meeting started with a couple of short speeches on the PMS and ZNPzG activities given by the organizations management representatives. The moderator was deputy president of the organization Ms Małgorzata Lasocka who focused on presenting to the guests the organization work. Mrs Duda joined a direct talk with teachers as she has worked at school for many years.

We will tell you about it in the next article encouragement we tweeterowy link: heralding relationship.


Mr President Andrzej Duda, on the second day of his official vist, met the Royal Family, the Prime Minister David Cameron and the veterans. He took part in a church service to commemorate the bravery of pilots defending England 75 years ago. The Poles came in number to the Sat Paul’s Cathedral in London to welcome Mr President.

Dozens of people have come in response to the call by the Great Poland Society, which worked for several days to invite the fellow countrymen to the meeting in front of the Cathedral. In the opinion of Sławomir Wróbel, the head of the Society, that visit was of special importance to the Poles on the Isles:

I have been here for 11 years and I don’t remember such a big meeting with the President. So far we have had two visits, but there haven’t been open meetings.

Obviously, “the Polish presence” on the Isles has been doing well.

The best “ambassador” of the Polish Culture in London has been POSK, that is: Polish Cultural and Social Institute, which plays an integrating and cultural role among the Polish immigrants in London. I would specially recommend one of the POSK pillar the POSK JAZZ CAFÉ, where you can listen to wonderful jazz and pop music, you can watch works of art and meet unusual guests. The exact address is: POSK 238-246 KING STREET London W 6ORC.

We are going to write more good things about our fellow countrymen, however now I would suggest to have a look at a place particularly close to my heart – the Italian Institute in London – Istituto Italiano di Londra, located at 39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX, GB. Italy, the homeland of pizza and Dante, is one of my great passions.

I have had a chance to visit this beautiful place on earth many times. I have been to Italy, I have worked with my Italian friends and have studied at the Universita per Stranieri – Dante Alighieri. I think I will dedicate an article to this in our series. The already mentioned Dante appeared on my way in London in 2014.

I had an opportunity to participate in a workshop, a typical work shop in the said institute. These were the workshops on “Divine Comedy” by Dante.

A great company, beautiful setting, my Italian friend John, the British, the Italians We reviewed all the states of the soul according to the Dante’s canon: limbo-hell, purgatoriopurgatory and paradiso – raj. We also had an opportunity to see the manuscripts of “The Divine Comedy”, the original tutle ” Comedia Divina ” of different historical periods. Please see:


For more on the activity run by the Italian Culture Institute in London see the website: http://www.icilondon.esteri.it/IIC_Londra/Menu/La_Biblioteca/

I recommend to you a trip in the language of Shakespeare

To all those interested, I would specially recommend the library collections , they are impressive …

Generally, the British resources in all areas of life, knowledge, art … ARE A POTENTIAL – EMPIRE, in which the sun never set.

A constant element of our meetings will be the Polish culture. In the next episode

we will invite you to interesting events atPOSK – the Polish Cultural and Social Institute,

  we will focus on cultural events announced to be held in

the next artistic season.

We will write about what has been and what we can expect in the near future.

Wishing you good luck, your correspondent from London.

Jola Piotrowska