A rock and roll place with soul and tradition

Leśniczówka, 2022 year

An interview with Sebastian Fyda – the owner and Anna Chudzik – the manager of Leśniczówka Rock & Roll Cafe on challenges related to running an iconic rock and blues club of over 40 years of tradition. The club brings together outstanding people: musicians, poets and artists. It is located in the middle of the picturesque Silesian Park, located on the border of Chorzów and Katowice and which is a biodiversity reserve. Sebastian Fyda has just obtained the title of the Leader by Vocation, and Anna Chudzik was nominated for the title of the Charismatic Woman.

Sebastian Fyda at Congress Lider z powołania 2023, september, Muzeum Zamkowe w Pszczynie

Sebastian, when did you become the owner of this magical place?

Sebastian Fyda: In June 2020. It is the only club on Silesian Trail of Blues that has survived for 40 years and, except for renovation times, has never been closed. Even before the pandemic, the club was in a desperate situation, in debt and underfunded. Marcin Bąk took over the management of the club already in a trying situation and despite his huge effort it was almost impossible to overcome the difficulties. Bringing this place to life, getting to the first league of clubs required a lot of work and money. During the pandemic we didn’t have much scope for improvement. We didn’t receive a penny, the shield programmes required proving financial losses that incurred in a year, and as a new company, founded to cut off the past, we hadn’t operated for a full year yet. The concerts were subject to absurd restrictions: it was possible to organise a “seated” event on the premises, however “non-seated” events allowed only 10 or a dozen people to enter. A music band performed at the stadium in Częstochowa, they could let 200 people in, but two hours after their concert there was a match and the stadium was half full, i.e. 1,500 people entered it! The same location, the same day, and completely different criteria. Nobody cared about the music industry.

How did you cope?

SF: I was and I still am paying for it from my own pocket.

You took over Leśniczówka at the beginning of the pandemic, did you organise any events then?

SF: I took it over just before the closure of the gastronomy. Between July and September we managed to orgsnise a couple of shows. We are open from Thursday to Sunday – due to the location in the middle of the forest area and at a considerable distance from the main park promenades, it is impossible to run the club any other way. We maintain rock vibes. Everyone can perform here, but disco polo and similar trends are not accepted, though.

You are an IT specialist and a musician, when did you become interested in music?

SF: On a daily basis, I am a computer systems architect specialising in cloud computing. I cooperate with global Microsoft and its local branches. I come from Wrocław and during my school years there while I was getting to know punk, rock and metal, I learned to play the guitar. First, I played in a punk band, and then it was time for metal, but I consider myself a busker rather than a musician. That’s just how it is when it comes to honing my skills – having so many tasks to do it’s hard for me to find both time and motivation to achieve virtuosity. One of my hobbies is painting battle figures, I’m decent at it, but I’ll never excel. The same happens in my professional life – I graduated from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, I received tools, but you can find a much better architect, programmer, and manager than me, but my strong point is the ability to combine many areas at a sufficiently good level to achieve a unique position in the job market.

As a Foundation, can you raise funds for Leśniczówka’s activities?

SF: We established the foundation to be able to implement activities that cannot be implemented by the company. We want Leśniczówka to be not only a place where people come for a concert and to grab a beer, but also to be a place that pursues other goals. The main one is of course cultural activities, but we also promote knowledge and activities if favor of ecology, natural environment, animal protection and protection of the natural heritage. The “Temu Misiu” festival, during which we collect money for wildlife conservation, has already been held here six times. During the last one Ellisiv, Agnis, Rosegarden, Anja Orthodox, Moleskin and Dark Side Eons performed on our stage. We support and invite charities related to animal adoption and helping animal shelters and we combine all that with music. We have many ideas for social pro-ecological initiatives. However, we are just getting started in terms of raising funds and preparing documents, because we don’t have enough processing capacity to handle everything at once.

Paulina Pawlik, owner of the Balaton restaurant and Sebastian Fyda, Andrzej Domrzał’s band in the background

What are your plans and dreams?

SF: Get some sleep (laughter). I really have a lot of work to do. Several months ago, I moved to Siemianowice Śląskie, so it’s a bit easier now, earlier I had to commute a long way from Warsaw almost every weekend.

How do you re-charge your batteries?

SF: I am an avid Warhammer player and I collect wargaming miniatures, so “relaxing model making” is what gives me pleasure and satisfaction and a bit of relaxation. But interestingly enough, after a whole week of various meetings, coming to Leśniczówka for 13 hours of work on the premises or at a grill also allows me to rest. Especially mentally.

Anna Chudzik in front of Leśniczówka

Ania, were you born a charismatic woman?

Anna Chudzik: I don’t know, the circumstances of my birth were definitely charismatic. My mother was on holiday in Biała near Płock and gave birth in a local convent, thanks to help of the nuns. I was told that because of this I will become a nun or a businesswoman, the latter has come true. I live in Chorzów, while my family, parents and grandparents, come from the Zakopane area. So I had a highlander upbringing at home.

When did you start “feeling” music?

AC: It was noticed already in the kindergarten that I had musical talent. My mother signed me up for music school, my dream was to play the violin. It didn’t work out, they enrolled me to piano classes, which unfortunately was not my passion at that time. It lasted a year. The second adventure with music began in secondary school. At the age of 18 I started Calladorn band with my boyfriend, who attended music school, played the electric guitar and composed music. He said that I sang well and in a couple of days he prepared me for the exam for the second-degree music school. I started vocal studies. At that time, I was singing rock. I even had a brush for this reason with the classical singing teacher, because different methods of singing and bright vocal tones were required at her classes. She could always recognise when I was in rehearsal and said my voice is scratchy and of dark timbre. Calladorn existed for 10years. We played mainly at folk festivals, because it was folk metal / melodic metal, we even performed at Leśniczówka. We composed many songs, but, as my boyfriend constantly wanted to improve and try new things, they were never recorded. Maybe I will use this material one day because I am actually planning to return to singing.
After graduating I went to the singing and ballet school in Gliwice. I graduated in artistic education in the field of visual arts, graphics and painting in Cieszyn. I paint more now, I like to focus on vivid colours, I am interested in surrealism. I have recently graduated in graphic design and game design from Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości w Chorzowie.

Can you tell us about your professional career path?

AC: Years ago, I founded Passiflora – Art Studio, where I renovated custom-made furniture, created visuals and artistic jewellery. I cooperated with ELB Silk, for which I painted scarves, room screens and paintings on silk. Then I worked briefly as a manager at the Variete Club in Katowice, but we didn’t get along with the owner. Then, as a graphic designer, I worked for the Straszny Dwór music club and the Rycerski Restaurant and Hotel. Finally, Rafał Fortuna, the previous owner, invited me to work for Leśniczówka.

You have been the manager here for 10 years, what gave you the greatest satisfaction?

AC: Working here gives me a great pleasure because it brings many challenges. At the beginning, I took care of everything, I was the manager of the place, I planned and organised artistic repertoire: concerts, stand-ups, burlesque shows and corporate events. When Sebastian became the owner, he helped me with many things. Now Igor is the manager of the premises, he is responsible for internal organisation and scheduling external workers and cleaning. Sebastian watches over finances, documents and operational things. I prepare the artistic programmes, create the monthly repertoire.
I contact artists and prepare offers for companies. We are mainly focused on artistic activities, but if a company asks us to organise an event, we are happy to do it, as well. We can organise parties for 100 people. We organise concerts for 180 people in the club room, for 350 people in the tent and 999 people in the outdoor premises. We organised a series of open-air concerts last summer in connection with the 40th anniversary of Leśniczówka. My tasks also include promotion. We advertise mainly through social media, posters, the internet and radio. We bought several billboards and banners for the club’s anniversary.

What are you most proud of?

AC: I am most proud of the fact that I had the pleasure of working at Leśniczówka with many wonderful artists and meeting amazing, passionate people 🙂

What are your plans?

AC: Obviously the New Years Eve party! At the beginning of 2024 we will host one of the WOŚP concerts and the third edition of the Slavic Culture Festival. Practically every weekend brings 2-3 gig. When it comes to my private life, I am going to become a mother soon.

Leśniczówka. A legendary place in Silesia

The Leśniczówka Rock’n’RollCafe club in Chorzów celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2023!

There are places in the world that are said to have a soul. Leśniczówka, whose colorful history has been reverberating for almost 40 years, is certainly among them. But what is this spirit? Of course, it is not the building itself, hidden in the thicket of the Silesian Park. The true spirit of Leśniczówka are amazing, talented people. Great artists who transformed the neglected walls into an indisputable legend together. Exactly 40 years ago, the Silesian Jazz Club’s Creative Work House was established and quickly became a haven for the rebellious arts of various Muses. Quoting “Leśniczówka Blues” by Andrzej Matysik, for some time Teatr Wizji i Ruchu from Lublin had its home base here, Jerzy Bińczycki made his etude „Gołębiarz” here, and the club’s interior and surroundings were used by Kazimierz Kutz and Janusz Kidawa and the authors of various music videos.
After dozens of hours of rehearsals and jam sessions, the sound and image of the legendary Young Power Orchestra was shaped. Throughout the 1980s, the club was a kind of refuge for the unwanted at that time generations of musicians associated with the “Silesian Sound”. Only in Leśniczówka it was possible to listen to Roman “Pazur” Wojciechowski, Irek Dudek, Leszek Winder, Jan Janowski,
Andrzej Urny, it was here that the legendary SBB honed its form. The album “Modlitwa bluesmana w pociągu” was recorded here. It was thanks to the Silesian blues-rock community that Leśniczówka came to life:
After Rawa Blues, we were announced to go on a trip. Where? That’s a surprise. We are going to Chorzów. The bus turns into a narrow street leading deep into the famous park. We get off in front of a crumbling small building with no doors or windows. But there’s plenty of space inside and a wonderful fireplace. Next year it will be the Silesian Jazz Association’s Silesian Jazz Club’s Creative Work House, the club and lots of blues. For now there is this shed and a lot of willingness to work! That night an extraordinary trio played there: Leszek Winder – guitar, Irek Dudek and Ryszard Skibiński on harmonicas…

Na Przełaj “Blues na trawie”,
May 1983

The first day – a group photo of musicans, May, 1983

Was there only room for one genre of music in Leśniczówka? Of course not! Despite the name “House of Creative Work of the Silesian Jazz Club Leśniczówka”, there was no question of limiting it or stifling freedom. This is how Roman Kostrzewski and Irek Loth remembered this place:
Our first contact was outstanding. We played in various places, including Pałac Młodzieży. It was fun, just limited time to work. We came to rehearsal for 2 hours twice a week. This is not enough to develop. Leśniczówka gave us this comfort. Come every day. Whenever you want. In the morning, at night, it doesn’t matter when.

We – basically metal music fans – with musicians such as Winder, Kawalec, Skrzek, Urny etc., learned about some of the secrets of playing blues. […] In this environment, I quickly learned how to communicate. Music fellowship. This is something completely different than when a star comes on stage and gives a freaking show. You could feel that Silesian blues was the winner.”
“There were amazing moments while playing music together… Everyone wished it had been recorded. Everyone.”

Today, despite the ups and downs, better and leaner years for rock’n’roll, Leśniczówka tries to continue the tradition, being the only club on the Silesian Trail of Blues that operates continuously (except for minor renovation breaks) from the beginning of its existence. It probably is the oldest rock club in Poland. It is changing just like the world around us. New artistic forms, such as stand-up and burlesque, appear, but good old jam sessions are still doing great.
Leśniczówka celebrated its 40th anniversary with a bang. There was rock, both classical and progressive, there was also blues. There was a lot of metal, folk music and a lot for Punk Rock lovers, as well. All these events, from May 13th to June 24th, were unique and will remain in participants’ memories for a long time.

Today, Leśniczówka is mainly about its guests. Those who remember the old days, those who spent their youth here, skipping school, but also those who are discovering the legend of Leśniczówka and its atmosphere and will stay for many years to come. Leśniczówka is also big names that have been and still are at the club – Piotr Kupicha (Feel) started his career here. We hosted Maleńczuk, Skiba, Durczok, Jakubik. Bands Vader, Decapitated, Hunter, KSU, Deserter, Army, Closterkeller, FlapJack, ACID Drinkers, Turbo, Night Lover, Percival Schuttenbach, Lipali, KAT & Roman Kostrzewski, VooDoo, TSA, Proletaryat, Breakout, The Analogs, Another Pink Floyd and many, many others that simply cannot be mentioned at once.

Leśniczówka also gives opportunities to young artists and smaller performers today. There is Leśniczówka’s Open Stage, where once every few weeks bands representing various trends of rock can perform and practise their skills completely free of charge. Of course, there is a certain selection, but thanks to this, regular guests of the club, coming to a concert of an unknown to them performers are guaranteed excellent quality, artistry of the band, and well-spent time.

Leśniczówka has three stages – the club stage for 170 people, a heated tent stage for 350 people and a large summer stage, set up in front of the main building, which can accommodate 999 people. The club also organises wedding receptions, birthday parties, special and private events.

Unfortunately, despite the enormous effort put into revitalising this place, despite restoring it largely to its former glory and returning it to the “first league” of music clubs in this part of Poland, the owners’ financial capabilities have been exhausted. The pandemic and inflation prevented the implementation of many planned tasks. The building still needs funding – for example, the roof needs renovating. The sewer system also needs rehandling. The needs are endless and it’s sad when a place like this has a hard time getting necessary public funds, and huge amounts are wasted on a daily basis by politicians and corporations. The club is looking for sponsors and media partners who, just like the owners, will do their best to maintain Leśniczówka, this huge piece of history.

The beer garden in front of the club

Dorota Kolano, Beata Sekuła