Love & Finances
It Is Vital To Grow Better And Better As a Person

Witord Casetti & Kamilla Dąbrowska

A conversation on what makes Witold Casetti – a popular journalist, licensed trainer of IBSA STRUCTOGRAM® training system, known mainly from ‘Europa da się lubić’ and ‘Wyprawa Robinson’ TV programmes – happy, living and working with Kamilla Dąbrowska. Kamilla, a businesswoman and trainer, has been awarded the title of Charismatic Woman, whereas Witold – Leader by Vocation.

When did you meet and how long have you loved each other?

Kamilla Dąbrowska: It was 2001. I was invited to a seminar on financial education led by Witold. Afterwards, we worked together for a year, but our relationship was strictly professional. We became a couple a few years later.

Kamilla Dąbrowska & Witold Casetti

You are a large family and parent four children.

Witold Casetti: My first marriage made me a father of two: 25-year-old Alessandro and 23-year-old Guendalina. Until two years ago they lived with us, but now they’re independent. The fruit of loving Kamilla are 14-year-old Roberto and 13-year-old Alina.

KD: Ale and Guen came to us as teenagers, they were 14 and 12 at the time. For Witold it used to be a period of frequent business travelling. He would spend 2-3 weeks in Italy and come back home for a few days. Oftentimes, I was left alone working and raising children. Back then, we were running a beauty business. Admittedly, wonderful kids fell out of the sky for us (laughs). Spending lots of time with them alone quickly resulted in building up a good relationship. Their own relationship with the toddlers has been excellent from the very beginning. Now, they share common interests. Recently, all four stayed in London for a week and had a lot of fun with each other. I’m grateful to mother such amazing children.

Witold Casetti podczas prowadzenia VIII Międzynarodowego Kongresu w Pszczynie pn. Lider z powołania
With Beata Sekula while conducting the 8th International Congress in Pszczyna entitled Leader by Vocation

How did you manage to combine work and parenthood?

KD: Very well, because we could count on my mother’s longterm help.

WC: When I was young, my dad’s mother, lived with us in Florence. My grandfather died at the age of 56 and my grandmother moved in with us. She was so helpful. Years later, the invaluable help of Kamilla’s mom in raising the children echoed a pattern I knew from my childhood.

KD: The girls have artistic souls, they resemble Witold physically and characterologically. They are open-minded, willing to share, a bit bubbling, but happiness and a positive attitude to reality is clearly visible. Guendalina has a degree in Iberian studies and, as well as working in a corporation, she dances on stage. Alina is passionate about professional make-up and is gaining knowledge about it on the internet.

WC: My dad was a musician, a pianist and composer. He functioned mainly at night and lived a bit in his inner world. I, in turn, really wanted to professionally play the violin, but my mother said we already had one artist at home and that was enough. She didn’t agree for me to go to the conservatory because she was afraid I would lead a life like my dad’s. However, my passion for music has been so deep that in Florence I used it to DJ and organise big events for over 10 years.

KD: The boys have more analytical minds. Alessandro graduated in journalism and international relations and works as an analyst in the Italian team at an multinational insurance corporation. Both Alessandro and Guendalina speak five languages well, so they easily adapt to an international environment. Roberto likes mathematics and is interested in football and computer games. Football is a common passion of all male family members and they support one team – Fiorentina – and regularly meet for matches.

Witold Casetti i Kamilla Dąbrowska

Witold, you have more than 20-year-experience in network marketing on the Polish and European markets. As a charismatic trainer, you are highly regarded authority for your trainees. How did you acquire your competences?

WC: I started my path of personal and professional development in 1994. I participated in many training courses in sales, team management, image creation, as well as negotiation, principles of wielding influence, moderation and facilitation, financial education and communication and finally leadership. In the 1990s I flew to the USA for training. To this day, Anthony Robins remains our guru. From 2009 to 2016, Camilla and I gave lectures and trainings on personal development, motivation, psychology of success, sales, leadership, communication and financial education.

KD: We have different business experience, related to health, supplements or beauty, among others. After years, we have returned to financial education again, as this industry is thriving and offers great opportunities. We organise seminars where we start by talking about mindset, differences between rich and poor, about the prevalence our minds over our wallets. We show how to plan finances, we talk about the possible risks on the financial market, about what guarantees or threatens the security of financial institutions.

Who is this training for?

KD: Everyone should partake such training once in their life, because we aren’t taught financial education at school. During the trainings, we show the financial solutions we recommend, we say what we think is good on the market today, what’s worth taking advantage of. We also address the topic of succession, as most companies in Poland do not have it secured. People don’t realise that when the owner or co-owner is gone, the company might face a serious problem. It’s very important to cross-secure and secure assets for the family. Succession is also a matter of wills most people do not make.

During the integration meeting of Women Charismatic Leaders by Vocation in Kędzierzyn-Koźle

What are the costs of the seminar?

KD: These are two-day meetings with accommodation, food and course materials, the cost is 800 PLN /person. The classes are taught by six to seven speakers.

But you are more than the aforementioned – please tell us about this initiative.

WC: The Pedagogium University of Social Sciences in Warsaw has recognised the enormous potential regarding the future of the direct selling and network marketing industry. An executive MBA postgraduate course for the industry is being created and we are part of this project. The studies will start at the Pedagogium University in this year’s autumn. It’s a groundbreaking project aiming to certify and professionalise the industry.

During the awarding of the title of the Most Beautiful Business Couple
of the Charyzma i Powołanie Group

What makes you feel happy?

WC: We are religious. Faith drives my joy. I’m happy Kamilla and I can work together. It has almost always been that way. We have worked together and achieved successes together. We live, we love each other, we love our children. My happiness is Kamilla, the children, the family.

KD: Apart from family and faith, my happiness comes from the fact that we usually do things bringing us satisfaction, being our passion. We’ve been developing together for years. We have attended many trainings together, not only in Poland but also abroad. Although we differ and present different statements on many subjects, professionally we are almost twins.

How do you spend your free time?

WC: We’re fond of music and – when time allows – we listen to both classical and rock. We really like good cuisine, so we cook together.

KD: We like spending time with each other, going to the cinema, playing board games and traveling. We’re lucky enough to meet good people, so we often invite friends to visit us.

What’s your message to others?

WC: The most important thing is to continuously grow better as a person, because then everything works out better for us. It’s worth remembering that the human mind has enormous potential, and we only use seven per cent of it during our lifetime. Our training makes you develop and use your talents. If you give up on discovering your talents within yourself, you will never use them.

Dorota Kolano
Beata Sekuła