Charity “Made in Poland”.


Another concert of Great Orchestra


It’s been two weeks since the 24th Final of WOŚP (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, Great Orchestra of Christmas Help) in Poland. As every year, many concerts and events were organized in the whole country and in some countries in the world. An ubelievable sum of almost 40 million PLN was obtained, however, it is estimated that it will reach more than 44 mln PLN. It wouldn’t be possible without help of thousands of volunteers and millions of people who gave money to support this great organisation. It is surprising how a spontaneous idea of several people developed to an international action whose aim is to raise money to buy equipment for hospitals for children and elderly people, giving them a chance for fast and effective recovery.

The first final took place on the 3rd of January 1993. The action was a great success so, as a result, in March a foundation was established. People who created it were: Jerzy Owsiak ( the leader and the face o WOŚP), Lidia Niedźwiedzka-Owsiak, Bohdan Maruszewski, Pioitr Burczyński, Paweł Januszewicz, Walter Chłstowski and Beata Bethke. It was the beginning of a great tradition of collecting money for hospitals specializing in child care and those which help elderly people.

Every year in January, despite the snow and low temperatures, thousands of volunteers walk along streets in almost every city in Poland. Always with smile, they start early in the morning and finish late. Collecting money in the street is not the only way of giving support to WOŚP.
There are many auctions on which you can buy a wide variety of things. The most unusual were for example, the carpet, which Vladimir Putin walked on, a cap of captain Tadeusz Wrona, a travel at the wheel of Pendolino and (my personal favourites) visits in the 32nd Air Base in Łask and 31 Air Base in Krzesiny, Poznań, where you could observe the beauty of F-16 fighters.

This year, the most interesting were licitations of following things: a trainig session with Polish football National Team, lunch and training with a celebrity Maciej Dowbor or the Polsh President’s skis with an autograph. What’s more, it is still possible to take part in auctions 🙂 More information is available here

The will to share with other people and heart willing to help are two of the most beautiful humans’ features. We should cherish this tradition and attend the WOŚP finals every year, singing, dancing and enjoying those amazing events. And the results can bee seen in many cities in Poland where in hospitals children recover with the help of devices labelled with a little red heatr- the sybol of the Great Orchestra.