The most modern gynaecological hospital in Śląsk


The gynaecological hospital located at Łubinowa street in Katowice is the innovative medical centre, that for 11 years has been, together with its very emphatic personnel, diagnosing and healing patients. Its director and co-founder dr Jarosław Wieczorek is nominated to the title of Leader by vocation in the category Leader in medicine  for the effective management of the hospital.


New face of gynaecology and midwifery

The official opening of this private hospital located at Łubianowa street took place in 2007. Its founding was possible because of a few, very important factors. The most essential was a desire of its founders to strive for providing healing in the best possible standards. Moreover, new possibilities occurred together with arising Sickness Fund and innovative idea of two best friends: dr Jarosława Wieczorka and dr Tomasza Ślęczka, who dramatically changed the view on gynaecology and midwifery sector.

– From the very beginning, we knew well that health protection can be organised much better –  notices the director Jarosław Wieczorek. – We  operate with a little invasion, even during complicated operations, so that patients can leave the hospital right after the treatment. The hospital is famous of conduction operations with regards to dysfunction of a fertile organ, operations on pelvis and gynaecological oncology. The spectrum of possibilities is very wide.

Near the hospital functions the General Surgery Clinic together with Specialised General Practices : gynaecologic, neonatology and paediatrics. The hospital provides, free of charge, tests for hearing disability and tests for fragility of hips joints in infants. Patients are also provided with psychologist support. – An effective medicine is the complex medicine. The whole process shall be monitored and supervised starting from prevention and initial problems – notices dr Jarosław Wieczorek. – Later we conduct therapeutic process then we act regarding patients and end up on returning to daily routines, namely rehabilitation.

In the hospital all services are provided free of charge for insured persons in the National Health Care regardless the place of residence. Persons who are not insured services are provided for a consideration.


Innovative and effective management

dr Jarosław Wieczorek

– Comparing to other heath protection units that have the same financial flow, we have noticed huge effectiveness resulting from: modern firm construction, use of outsourcing and direct calculations – informs the director. The hospital hires around 200 employees. In the first year 850 infants came into the world here. In the following years birth giving rose from 1300 to 1450. 3,5 thousand of patients are provided with hospitalisation and professional consultations every year.

The main purpose of the hospital is to ensure health care to all patients on the highest possible standard. The above is possible because of obtained experience and professionalism of the qualified staff with the ability of using a modern equipment together with preservation of procedure and specific method of treatment. The doctors are offered incentive scheme and also receive other gratifications so they feel their work is appreciated. – The most important at work are: the atmosphere, mutual respect and the role of the middle personnel. Nurses and midwives are in constant touch with patients and so much depends upon their competences – underlines dr Jarosław Wieczorek. The safety of our patients is our priority.

Having in mind quality monitoring of provided services the ISO 9001 was designed and implemented hereto. Moreover, the investment in modern equipment is being made on the daily basis. The hospital has a full Accreditation of Monitoring Centre of Quality in Health Care in Cracow issued by Ministry of Health and obtained Accreditation of Medical Centre of Postgraduate Studies in Warsaw within which function two positions of resident.

There are lots of challenges and plans ahead of this institution. The hospital is involved in Coordination Program for Pregnant Woman so the main aim is to receive a second-degree reference. Because of that the spectrum of midwifery scope will be widen so that means pregnant woman that give birth prematurely will be accepted to wards and the neonatology units will also be secured for the intensive care. –We are opened to needs of our patients and our professional teams who work here for the most precious evaluation of their services consider the happiness of our charges. – sums up dr Jarosław Wieczorek.


Dr n. med. Jarosław Wieczorek

In his early age he was fascinated by sport and athletics career – he received the title of Junior Champion on discus throwing. He studied in parallel two faculties: Rehabilitation on the University of Physical Education in Katowice and Medicine on the University in Śląsk (current Medical University) that he graduated in 1990. Then he started the practice in municipal hospital im. Rydygiera in Katowice Bogucice. He did postgraduate internship there and then he conducted direct internship on the gynaecology ward. In 1997 he did a specialisation on midwifery and gynaecology finally receiving the title of doctor of medical science (Phd). He wrote his doctoral thesis under supervision of prof. Ryszard Poręba – an exceptional doctor and great man, who in great extend earned the polish gynaecology development. Because of huge accomplishment of Wojciech Matuszewski – the chief of medicine – he received new equipment including endoscopic and Co2 laser. It caused the possibility – for the very first time, to use the top-class endoscopic equipment in the early ’90. He is the author of 20 thesis that were published on polish gynaecologic magazines. He has become the director of the hospital located at Łubianowa 3 in Katowice in 2006 and since then he has been managing, developing and expanding it.

Dr Jarosław Wieczorek actively participate in Polish Gynaecology Society that has been named Polish Society of Gynaecologist and Midwives in 2017. He also is a member of European Society of Gynaecology Endoscopy. He is honoured with multiple awards like : Manager of the 2017 in Health Care issued by Chancellery of the Success of Year 2017 – Leaders in Medicine and the title of Manager 2017 in Health Care in the category – private units issued by the publisher Tremedica.