80 – Year Old Girl from a Calendar – A Charismatic Woman – A Lady 2018


A Versatile Woman

She is like 12 months of the calendar: warm, joyful as well as mature and cautious. She performs in  WHY Story besides, she helps children from the local orphanage and she takes part in film castings. Her picture appeared in the calendar published by the Communications Municipal Association of Upper Silesian Industrial District. Last June she won the   Programme Lady 2018. Recently she got interested in long range travels, not only to Dubai.

Meeting at the railway station

When I first meet Mrs Christine in the coffee bar at the Railway Station in Warsaw I feel, from the very first moment, it is an extraordinary woman. She comes vigorously to my table and asks softly pointing at the empty chair:

Is that chair free? May I join you?

I am just sorting visiting cards from the conference I attended and I am taking use of the free while entering more important numbers into my mobile telephone. However, I am impressed by the vigorous and cheerful woman, so I stop classifying visit cards and put them into my bag.

Are you waiting for a train?– I asked.

Yes, it is leaving in half an hour. You know, I was taking my granddaughter to the air port – she says leaning forward to me and lowering her voice adding: She went to Dubai with her husband. I don’t know why, she had a great job and a beautiful apartment in Warsaw. The elderly lady wipes a tear in her eye: Young people rush so much on business nowadays – she sighs.

During our conversation I have learnt that Mrs Christine had 80th birthday a few months ago…

See more in polish-english magazine Why Story, available in Empik, Kolporter, Ruch, Garmond, airports BP and Shell gas stations, and also in subscription on e-kiosk http://www.e-kiosk.pl/index.php?page=issue&id_title=157556

Have a nice read~!