Young fashion designer’s dreams


Fashion is most important to him!

He is dreaming about a post of creative director at Christian Dior Fashion House in Paris, 30 Avenue Montaigne. Konstanty Murzyński creates interesting projects of glamorous and original womens clothes. A 17-year-old has just started studying fashion design and tailoring at City of Oxford College, the faculty of Fashion, Textiles and Costume.

  • I’m particularly interested in women’s fashion. It is better for to design it because it gives more possibilities, it is much richer than the men’s fashion – says Konstanty. – There are definitely more outfits for women, in various shapes, width and they are made of various textiles. He likes velvet, silk and chiffon. He already studied textiles for 5 hours a week at the previous school. However, he is worried that there is a shortage of shops with textiles in Oxford.

As for arts, in its broad meaning, this young citizen of Oxford, of the Polish origin, prefers the classic: old movies (Psycho 1960) and burlesque – he admires the dancer’s beauty – Dity von Teese for her slim waist and beautiful, wavy, black hair.

Kostex admires clothes by Christian Dior Fashion House for their style and elegance. – What I like most, however, is the style created by John Galliano, because he likes to take inspirations from beautiful historical outfits, for example, the military costumes from the French Revolution and he is not afraid of boundaries in creating unique clothes. Recently I have become fascinated with a collection Galliano Spring Summer 2007 Haute Couture as it was related to Japan, which was really unusual and eccentric – he says. In September 2015 he was invited for the first time to a real fashion show where he helped to dress the models. Now he does it every season in London, Oxford and he got a proposal of going to Paris.

His proposals of women’s clothes are characterized with sophisticated elegance, originality, and sharp, contrasting colours’ black, red or white, a lot of his works are inspired by Art Deco style. As for trousers – he chooses bell bottoms or straight cut. Shoes for women are high, unique wedges. He completely rejects the colours such as pink and violet, and neon, because they look uninteresting and unprofessional. He wears smart clothes: jackets, velvet or chiffon ruffles, American foulards, ties, bow ties, elegant shirts, trousers made of elegant textile and most often elegant shoes, such as patent leather shoes or Brogue shoes. Every morning Kostex spends about one hour choosing and preparing his outfit, and doing his hair subtly – everything must match, as befits the designer!

I have always wanted to be an artist and I quickly discovered Haute Couture (the so called high class tailoring) – says the young artist. A lot of Konstanty’s designs and illustrations have been inspired by the debut collection of Christian Dior entitled “New Look” dated 1947, especially the waistline of a delicate, white jacket like the Queen Elisabeth I costume, which she wore during the French Revolution. – I didn’t always know the source of my inspiration, but I wanted to change my sketches into clothes – the designer admits.

He often uses black and white colours with red because as he says these colours will always be modern and they are his favourite. Konstanty lives in Oxford, and the surrounding Gothic architecture has a large influence on his designs. He took a direct example of a silhouette at the ceiling in the Natural History Museum and changed it into a dress and a coat. – My muse has always been Dita von Teese, because I have always loved stylish, beautiful femme fatale women – he stresses. I also adore Marlene Dietrich, because she was one of the first women wearing men suits, and many of my designs has unisex features. I have never wanted to design for “girlish girls”, I have preferred to create for sophisticated and unusual women. In my works there is no place for baggy and “streamlined” textiles, everything must be fit and tight, almost like in live sculptures. The artist’s favorite fabrics and velvet, leather, taffeta, tulle, chiffon and silk. He doesn’t always aim at creating his designs in 3D.

He releases at least two collections every season including Haute Couture and Pret a Porter. – I have possibilities to make my designs live, but we have problems with financing them, because textiles and embellishments I want to use for my clothes cost a lot of money – the young designer reveals. – I’m planning to finish school with good grades and go to university, such as Central Saint Martin’s or London College of Fashion, or to start traineeship at Saville Row Fashion House in London.

More details about the artist’s designs can be found on: Instagram@fabulouskozzy.

Here is of the designs: