We interview Jolanta and Adam Zielińscy – owners of the Verocargo shipping company in Gliwice, nominated for the titles: Charismatic Woman and Leader by Vocation – on effective business management, social activities and their many passions.
How do you remember yourself as children? What made you stand out at school?
Jolanta Zielińska: I used to be a troublemaker, climbing trees, fighting with boys. My legs were scraped all the time. I was a very lively child. In primary school my energy went towards sports, basketball, gymnastics and athletics. All in all, sport has accompanied me throughout my life.
Adam Zieliński: Learning used to come easy to me. I enjoyed going to school, mainly for social reasons. I took part in SKS (school sports club) classes, I trained judo. I do sports out of my inner-child need to move.

JZ: School used to be quite different. The teachers were interested in children and more involved.
How did you gain competence?
JZ: My situation at home used to be quite difficult. I had to combine work with studying at the same time. I graduated from the Academy of Economics where I studied International Economic Relations and Global Problems. I worked at a stationery wholesale as an accountant, human resources manager and in a call centre – not my favourite jobs, but the competences and training I acquired came in handy over time.

AZ: I liked all school subjects, i.e. science and humanities, but I didn’t care too much about the grades. I completed transport and logistics studies at the University of Economics. I did my student internship in an international company, where I was offered a job. I spent nine years there. That was the key experience for setting up my own company.
JZ: After setting up a company, I actually learned the TSL industry completely from the beginning. I was genuinely interested in it, acquiring knowledge and competence came quite easily to me. For the first three years, running and developing the company laid on my shoulders. Learning the management of the company and its operation completely absorbed me. The theoretical knowledge I acquired during my studies, which I supplemented with practice, and interacting with people from the industry created my competence. I simply focused on my work and enjoyed it very much. I was passionate about creating something, even though I wasn’t sure what it would be.
AZ: We were competent but also intuitive when gaining new experience and further competences.
How many people do you employ?
AZ: Around 60. We have branches in Cieszyn and Wrocław. We run road, sea and oversized transport. We appreciate multi-tasking, and employ people who want and enjoy learning and who are development-oriented.
Who are your main customers?
AZ: Manufacturing and retail companies.
How do you acquire customers?
AZ: Differently. We have strategies “from the top and from the bottom”.
JZ: I feel that after years of building a business, attracting clients is getting easier and easier. One of the greatest compliments from a customer is to hear we are important to them.
What are you most proud of?
AZ: Of everything! That’s how I would sum it up. No goals limit or constrain us. The main aim is a sustainable company. We like going “to work”, meeting people and knowing what’s on. Hard times happen and economic reality may have tested us a bit, but one of the biggest things we are proud of is our team. They are often people who have learned the industry from the ground, just as we once did. We are fascinated by how much can be achieved by systematic work on development, meaning the knowledge and competence acquirement.

You give help to lots of people, sports clubs, orphanages, various organisations. Why?
JZ: Simply because we like to share.
AZ: Mostly it’s because someone asks us.
JZ: Nobody knew us in the beginning and we ourselves were looking for people in need. Now we are approached by many organisations. But unfortunately we aren’t able to meet all the needs. There are a few regular ‘places’ that we support. Having the capacity to help, we simply do so.
AZ: However, there used to be times when we felt used or talked into a story that turned out to be untrue. At the moment we are more careful and prefer to choose for ourselves. It’s Jola who manages it because she’s more intuitive. We also work symbiotically: we help in exchange for marketing and advertising. It’s more about promoting the brand than helping. We are most proud of activities no-one knows about.

How do you recharge your batteries?
JZ: My source of energy are passions, such as dance, theatre, and, of course, travelling, most often with my family. We also have pets.
AZ: I like having a good sleep. We have dogs bringing us lots of joy.
What are your plans for development?
AZ: We want to grow in stability, in a way that’s safest for our employees, customers and suppliers.
We wish you successful fulfilment of your plans.
Thank you.
Dorota Kolano
Izabela Cekiera
Beata Sekuła