There is great energy in small countries


For the second time little, charming town called Miasteczko Krajeńskie was visited by guests from overseas. The Canadian-American journey around Poland which was devoted to an exchange of experience about probation begun exactly in a little Commune managed by Mayor Małgorzata Włodarczyk. After beginning in Miasteczko Krajeńskie guests visited places such as Piła, Czarnków, Uniejów and Łowicz.

Last year’s visit run under the slogan of getting to know about history of Krajna and Michał Drzymała who spent the last years of his life in located nearby Grabówno and is buried in the parish cemetery in Miasteczko Krajeńskie. This time the American-Canadian delegation which included high representatives of judiciary and universities from Texas, Massachusetts and Canada compared solutions adopted in Police, penology and institutions supporting families.

The topic of this year’s visit is particularly close to me because I was conducting the work of Specialist support centre for violence victims in Piła (Specialistyczny Ośrodek Wsparcia dla Ofiar Przemocy w Pile) for few years. Discussion about problems related to prevention of violence in family and exchanging experience with guests from overseas allowed to look them from a different perspective on our local solutions. I’m very happy that we could welcome our guests from USA and Canada once again. I’m happier about warm words that were they commenting during staying in our Commune” said the Mayor Małgorzata Włodarczyk.

Delegation members had a chance to visit distillery in Brzostowo, which Mr. Tomasz Paprocki said couple of words about. Visitors were introduced with production process and shared information about functioning small distilleries in Canada and USA. After that it was organized every bit as interesting. A trip to local bakery managed by Hanna and Krzysztof Stepnowski. The bakery specializes in baking various kind of pastries without enhancers according to traditional recipes. A taste of fresh bread made guests to a statement that in small countries there is a huge energy and potential. It has to be done appropriate conditions to produce goods fully appreciated and used.

The last part of the meeting was a visit in Specialist support centre for violence victims in Piła. The guests who visited Miasteczko Krajeńskie were Mr. Dan Richard Beto- a chairman of the National Association of Probation Executives (NAPE) in Texas, Mr. Jurg Gerber – professor of Sam Houston State University and president of Asian Association of Police Studies in Texas , Mr. Donald Evans- professor of Canadian Training Institute in Canada, Mr. Wayne Dicky- president of American Jail Association in Texas, Mr. Brian Mirasolo- managing a probation in the State of Massachusetts and editor in chief in “Executive Exchange”.

Organizers of this event were: Centrum Szkolenia Kuratorów Sądowych, Business Communication Group Sp.z.o.o. Polish-American Development Council and Fundation “Większe Mniejsze”. A visit coordinator in Poland Mr. Romuald Burczyk ensures that soon appear new ideas for and international cooperation. Guests from afar don’t need to be encouraged to visit Miasteczko Krajeńskie again. Further joint activities were discussed at the cheesecake- traditionally made by the Mayor, who welcomed visitors with it in Municipal and Communal Office.