POWER POWER POWER! Air Show Radom 2015


Air Show Radom 2015

On the 22-23 of August the XIV edition of International Air Show took plase. Like every year, the event attracted thousands of aviation fans who were able to admire pilots amazing skills and the might of the machines. More than 260 planes from 20 countries made the city of Radom be the capital of aviation again.


During the show we could admire a lot of awesome manoeuvers. There were aerobatic teams all over the world including Italian Frecce Tricolori, Swiss Patrouille Suisse and our Polish teams Orlik and “Iskry“. We also had a great opportunity to see solo pilots. Flights of Polish pilot Adrian Rojek (Mig-29) or Belgian F-16 were absoluteli brilliant. And for me, one of the most extreme show was CAS (Close Air Support) in which 2 F-16s were chasing a pair of Su-22 shooting flares and creating a huge amount of smoke. I saw that 3 days in a row and I didn’t take any single picture! It just happened too fast 😉

The show also didn’t lack interesting devices like a jet-propeled glider. This machine surprised even those who visit air shows regularly.

The event started at 9 a.m. With the aeroclub’s section. At noon a huge parade of fighters, transport planes and helicopters flew over spectators’ heads, giving them a chance to see everything what’s great in the Polish Air Force. By the end of the day we were provided with great variety of audio-visual impressions.

And the show amazes not only at the airport. Hundreds of people observed the machines from fields nearby. Those could take incredible pictures because of the smaller distance to the displays. Believe me, the sound of a jet engine directly over one’s head in an unforgettable experience.
In the whole city it was hard not to gaze at the sky. Everrybody who saw and heard the planes flying-by stopped for a while and glanced up with curiosity and respect because how not to watch such beatiful wonders?
I hope that the next edition of the air show will be as good as this year’s one and in 2017 we will have another chance to return to Radom’s airport. I am looking forward to that! 🙂


                                                                                                            Alicja Szwanc