Directions of Human Resurces Development


HR as a Strategic Partner Supporting City Management

The Fifth International Conference entitled „Directions of Human Resurces Development” organised by the city of Zabrze in partnership with the Silesian Polytechnic in Gliwice took place in hotel Diament in Zabrze on 26-27 th November 2015

During two consecutive days, the representatives of widely perceived management personnel from Poland and abroad had opportunity to listen to and present participated their good practices, as well as, exchange their experiences, views on human resources management with local government, science and business actors.


The leading theme of this year conference was: ”HR as a Strategic Partner Supporting City Management”. The speakers, who are experts in management, presented their experiences, their view how particular elements of human resurces management may affect the modality of management, not only in case of human resources, but also of entire organization.

The participants had also an opportunity to get aquainted with assumptions of the international project FIND THE BEST! Competency Based Recruitment in Public Administration and its gratuitous tool aimed at moderating the process of recruitment in public administration in addition to implementation of the model of management control.





The list of speakers included:

• a representative of the European Federation Local Authority Chief Executive Officers (UDiTE)
dr Tomasz Potkański – the vice president of bureau of the Union of Polish Cities presented a Report about employment in local government sector, which was prepared within the project- Local Government as an Employer

Tomasz Czuczak – the secretary of the city of Koszalin presented coaching of the employees in his office
Marcin Stopa – the Secretary of the city of Rzeszów presented human resources management in regard to centers of customers service in shopping centers
Ilona Lenart – the Secretary of comune of Popielów spoke about active listening as an effective tool of communication aimed at dialogue
Ewa Weber – the Secretary of the city of Zabrze presented personnel management in the scale of municipality- how HR may support city management

• representative of the Town Council of Jaworzno presented experiences regarding internal communication in organization
dr Anna Michna appointed prof. of Silesian Politechnics commented on programmes of support to entrerprenourship
Tomasz DąbrowskiORANGE HILL company presented methodology of recruitment based on competencies as well as experiences and effects of the project FIND THE BEST (Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Poland, Italy) and described a free tool available for public administration supporting recruitment based on competencies – executed within the project FIND THE BEST. This project has been realised within the framework of the project „Learning Through Entire Life”.
Krzysztof Adamczyk – Director of the Department of System Implementation of Microsoft by the company NEWIND Ltd. presented IT solutions integrating supervision control and human resources management.






After the first day of the conference participants have been invited for a solemn dinner and a visit to the historical coal- mine „GUIDO”.
