A university that educates not only great economists, but also people who are sensitive and socially responsible


Interview with prof. zw. dr hab. Joanna Filek, Vice-Rector of the University of Economics in Crakow for Communication and Cooperation, nominated for the title Charismatic Woman in the life of people with disabilities at Polish universities, why social responsibility is so important, as well as passion for gardening and exploring Europe on a bike.

Professor, you are not only a charismatic woman, but also a versatile woman. Economics, philosophy and management – how do you manage to combine it all?

Am I a charismatic and versatile woman, I do not know … There are many different desires and contradictions in me. I have always wanted to be a manager of a big company, hence my interest in management and economics. Immediately after graduating from the Cracow University of Economics, I received a job in a large company. However, after a year, I realized that this is not my place and I began studying philosophy. After one year of studies, I applied for admission to the Department of Philosophy. These searches for different ideas were reflected in my doctorate, which touched on the role of paradoxes in philosophical anthropology.

So you are a woman combining emotionality and rationality?

Yes, but rationality prevails. I see cause and effect relations. I do not believe that something will happen alone. As a rule, I take matters into my own hands; I do not wait passively, I just get to work. During one of the ecological campaigns at the university, I did not come to supervise workers in new shoes, I just rolled up my sleeves and took charge of planting shrubs and flowers. In my reflection, however, I have always been fascinated by the irrational, for example telepathy or clairvoyance, non-verbal communication. So every day I am a person who is hard on the ground, but sometimes I do something intuitively (i.e. not always rationally). I notice, however,….

See more in polish-english magazine Why Story, available in Empik, Kolporter, Ruch, Garmond, airports BP and Shell gas stations, and also in subscription on e-kiosk http://www.e-kiosk.pl/index.php?page=issue&id_title=157556

Have a nice read~!